Toss, Take, Toss
By Alisa Neely
Ok you’ve finally adjusted to the fact that you have no place to go …right now. But you will eventually have someplace, actually a lot of places to go once this passes - and it will pass. Imagine all the parties, dinners and celebrations of every kind that will take place once our world is safe again.
So why not do a thorough edit of your closet, right now. You have the time, so no excuses. I’m sharing my quick recipe on what to keep, what to archive and what to let go.
The Recipe
What you’ll need to start: A large garbage bag, one or two storage bins, matching space saving hangers, a rolling rack (very useful if you have one) and some firm resolve.
Step 1:
Start by taking everything out of your closet. You can do it in two phases:
all the hanging pieces
what’s in the drawers
Put everything on the bed except the shoes, those can go on the floor next to the bed.
Step 2:
Piece by piece, go through the clothing. If it’s been more than a month since you have worn something, you need to try it on.
Does the fit still work?
Does it still reflect your current personal style and lifestyle?
Finally, what kind of shape is it in?
Why not invite some friends to vote on your piles over Facetime?
White shirts get yellow, black pants fade, sweaters get small holes and heels can get chewed up.
Repairing pieces is an option, but some pieces have seen their last good day and need to go. If something was purchased a month ago and still has tags on it, you really need to consider why you haven’t worn it. If it’s that you made a mistake and liked it in the moment in the store, but now realize it holds no magic for you, let it go. There are enough mistakes in life we have to live with - clothing isn’t one of them. We can give it away or sell it on a re-sale site like TheRealReal.
If it’s a keep, put it on the rack or the save pile. Shoes can go in a clear shoe box .
If it’s a toss, put it in the garbage bag.
if it’s an archive, put it in the bin.
If it needs cleaning or alterations, put it in another bag.
Step 3:
Once you have gone through everything, go back to the rack or pile and do another once-over. Be honest - do you really see yourself pulling this piece out to wear when you are finally going out again ? If not then it might be time to let it go. I’ve mentioned The RealReal, other retail shops where you can resell your stuff from home include: Vestaire Collective, Poshmark and Tradesy. Why not give it a try and recoup some cash on your castoffs?
Step 4:
Return what you’re keeping to your closet on your brand new hangers, so everything hangs at the same level. I like to organize my pieces by category and color, but use any system that works for you.
Step 5:
This is crucial. Remove the unwanted pieces from your home. Do not let things you don’t intend to keep sit around. They need to go. This will free up valuable physical and mental space. This letting go is often the hardest part for many people and why they may turn to a professional for help. You are not alone if you have trouble, it is extremely common for people to struggle with this part of the process.
Key Ingredients
Wardrobe basics look a little bit different for everyone, a lot depends on your lifestyle and your personal style. But I usually find these core pieces are useful in most wardrobes:
A bodysuit in black and white
A perfectly fitting pair of pants in black, navy and camel
Blazers (the hardest working piece in most wardrobes)
Denim in a couple different styles and washes
A great pair of kicks
One amazing dress that makes you feel like Beyonce
Your own SJP-inspired heel
A gorgeous knit in a neutral color ( Just look at what a sweater did for Knives Out)
So, there you have it. By now you should be looking at a gorgeous closet of coordinated clothing you love and will wear.
Next up is to either work with a professional like myself to help you add new pieces that will enhance what you currently own, or to make a list for yourself of what will you think will be the best pieces to round out your wardrobe.
*Cover photo Photo by Charles Deluvio.